In the Online Education, training and coaching areas, we hear a lot about "high ticket containers" or offers - these are the things you're (supposed to be) selling which cost upwards of $10k.
Ultimately, whichever container you choose to leverage - the REAL deal is ACCESS TO YOU - when someone agrees to spend that kind of money to work with you - they want YOU... not the watered down version or your information delivered via people who work under you!

It's giving your clients 1:1 access to pick your bones dry like a sea eagle devouring a Scottish stag!
*This amazing image was caught on a road traffic camera on a Scottish island - how fucking HUGE is this eagle?
Below I list the TOP 4 HIGH-TICKET CONTAINERS which can be adapted to fit any niche!
The most common "High Ticket Container" is a VIP day - ugh... I hate the phrase "VIP day" and I know you can come up with something better than that - but it's a universally understood phrase within the online industry - so for the purposes of this article we'll run with it!
The idea is that you spend an entire day devoted to your client. Just you and them. This is not some vague shit of sitting around in a hired conference room chatting shit and swapping photos of kittens.
This is where you go DEEP. At the end of the day you should be mentally exhausted and in deed of whatever it is you need to relax - 3 Gin & Tonics, a massage or running naked on the beach - whatever floats your boat!
Your client should leave you with a brain so scrambled they spend the next 15 hours sleeping and the following arranging post-its over a wall to consolidate their strategy and ideas.
It absolutely HAS to be delivered with VIP value.
The location MUST be exquisite - this is NOT the time for you to tell the dog to get off the couch so your client can squeeze on.
You go all out - you hire a room at a top hotel, have catering COME TO YOU - you and your client are there to work - not fanny about waiting for lunch in a restaurant.
Record the day and have it transcribed so that your client has a full reference of all the juicy information you shared.
This day MUST provide a SIGNIFICANT TRANSFORMATION - that might well take months of work to come in to fruition - however, the idea is that they leave this day with a very, very clear strategy and understanding of what they need to do (and how!) to move forward with focus and clarity and become "BETTER" - whatever that might mean in terms of what your expertise is - and what you sell and deliver.
This is basically an intensive group program filled with a small, focused group who are all roughly at the same level - whom you already have a good relationship with - and all want significant improvement over the course of a few days/week - but also an element of self-care.
For example, these are often held in "holiday areas" (islands, beaches, mountains) and it's not just 5 days of classroom-based learning. There will be chances to appreciate the local culture, make visits, have expeditions - but all the while this is happening - there will still be conversations around growth, but it's on a much more casual basis.
This is not to say the retreat is 100% slapping on sun-tan lotion and quaffing mojitos - there is serious work involved here too and you WILL be expected to introduce a new topic and/or strategy and/or move the entire group towards an exciting development - but there's also going to be a lot of SELF-CARE and simply being in the company of people LIKE YOU - which has tremendous benefits for improving whichever facet of your life you're concentrating in during that instance.
Masterminds bring together the elite of your particular audience. The 0.1%, They are not for beginners or triers.
They are for those who DO - and HAVE!
Masterminds are not about coaching, teaching or spoon-feeding solutions to your class.
Mastermind strategy involves more peer-to-peer mentoring - hence the "no beginners" rule. The attendees are bouncing off each other and helping each other solve problems they've already dealt with - and bringing others up to their own levels of expertise within a specific area.
The trajectory tends to focus upon goal-orientated motivation and support - and participants will be expected to ACHIEVE these... there's no room for passengers!
Masterminds are for the TRULY COMMITTED small portion of your audience. Proceed with caution!
Some of your clients will be cash-poor and time-rich - others will be cash-rich and time-poor.
This is where the DFY concept comes in to play and where you can offer your high-ticket container.
Perhaps they simply don't want to do the "stuff"... but do want the result.
In which case, you take over the entire project and implement it for them.
How can you charge "high ticket" when common perception might believe this could be done on an hourly rate?
Well, simply speaking - you are not being employed to push buttons and follow a list of instructions.
You will be doing the STRATEGY and the THINKING and the MARKETING!
Those are the bits that the customer is paying for. They're essentially paying you to THINK and design a MARKETING STRATEGY. Not just build out a wee funnel using a software package. You design the funnel to convert for example.
As always though... do you WANT to offer this type of deal?
What you WANT to do is paramount to all of this.
For me, it's unlikely I'll ever host a retreat. I'm an introvert and I'd find it almost impossible to be "ON" for 5 days - so whatever you do choose to do, it has to work for you personally and you must do it because you are CALLED to do it - not just because "everyone else" is doing it - because really? Fuck everyone else - this is all about you!