You Have to Let YOURSELF Out of the Birdcage!

By Alex

July 14, 2021

I mean sure, it's a beautiful cage - a gilded cage if you will - but it's still a cage.

Funny thing is - the door always WAS open - but YOU are the one who has to CHOOSE to step through and FLY! 

You have always had the WINGS - but those beautiful bars made you feel you were trapped.

Nobody is coming to rescue you. Nobody.

You can leave any time you want. But you have to want it. And YOU need to DO THE WORK!

You are the one who needs to decide "enough is enough - this is NOT my life" and step into the life and FREEDOM that you DO want.

Sat in your cage you WISH you were the woman who rose at 6 and wrote her blog before breakfast.

You can. Right now.

You need to CHOOSE the change your life and to move it in to that perfect vision of how you see not only yourself... but the way you live your life.

Even if all the pieces of that "perfect life" aren't yet in place - you can CHOOSE to make the shifts. Incrementally. 

Step out of the cage.

Write the damned blog at 6am.


Nobody's going to give you permission.

It's all on you.

Which I know can be tough - because yeh, it sucks balls knowing that you are wholly responsible for the shit-show that is your life when every day feels like a soul-grinding repetition of yesterday.

But you are the one who gets to CHANGE things - to switch shit up UNTIL it works for you. JUST THE WAY YOU WANT IT.

Because even if someone else were to swoop down and say "OK, let me fix this shit for you" - they're never going to know EXACTLY what it is which fuels your soul and makes you content. DAILY.

They might pay a bill, take you to a nice restaurant or flash their card so you can shop.

But is that really what you want from life?

Away from critical eyes and the voices unheard of those you THINK are whispering "who the FUCK does she think she is?" - what do you WANT?


Life is way too short to sit and wait in your cage.

The secret to all of this - is simply to CHOOSE TO BE. Today. Not when that perfect-thing-you've-been-waiting-for is in place. Now. Today.

Because it's 


it's a fucking sales engine!

Learn how to ENJOY writing emails… even if your subscribers have forgotten who you are and KNOW that you can have SALES in just 20 minutes!

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About Alex Sheach

Alex is an expert strategist with a flair for expressive writing which connects with her audience and evokes emotion.

She believes in the power of harnessing the written word and using it to demonstrate expertise, confidence and clarity when marketing online businesses.

She's anti-BS, anti-fluff and embraces grown-assed methodology for growing an online business with authentic Sales & Marketing strategies.

Nae drama!