Who Says You Can’t Sell to a Cold Audience?

By Alex

August 5, 2021

Let's talk briefly about the people who SAY you can't sell (boo hoo!) to a COLD AUDIENCE - then swiftly leave them behind, because their opinions don't mean shit! 

Who says you can't? The people who've never done it - that's who! 

Because let me tell you - you absolutely CAN SELL TO A COLD AUDIENCE

Right, let's dial back to January 2020 - my business was limping along with a few customers here and there and I kept telling myself that if I had a MASSIVE AUDIENCE with tens of thousands of people on my list - or I was selling $5k packages day-in, day-out - THEN everything would come together and voila! I'd be sat on a yacht off the coast of France mainlining runny brie and mopping it up with rustic salami.

Well - turns out - I just needed to get the fuck over myself - produce something at a lower price, advertise to a COLD AUDIENCE and watch the sales come in.


Let me say that again - MORE CUSTOMERS IN 6 WEEKS THAN 6 YEARS!

The change for me was actually TAKING ACTION.

I decided to create a low-cost offer which was a total no-brainer because it was so jam-packed with information and solved ONE MAJOR PROBLEM - that anyone wanting a one-stop solution for running a 5 DAY CHALLENGE could get all the answers - easy-peasy

Then I had to run ads. I'll happily admit I haven't cracked the Facebook algorithm yet - some thing work with a HELL YES (!) - some things you think are SURE to work fall flat on their face.

BUT - armed with a bag full of faith and a fairly limited ad budget, I went live to a cold audience - i.e., people who were NOT on my list, NOT following me on Social Media and who couldn't pick me out of a line-up.

The ad sent them direct to my SALES PAGE rather than through a freebie and a funnel and then - they had a chance to either buy right there and then... or move on.

With a low-ticket offer, there's really not too much thinking or investment energy required so it makes for an easy sale. I was selling the product initially for just $27 which is an easy YES for most people in the online space.

Then with everyone who clicked on that ad, but didn't buy - I was able to re-target them with ads knowing that they'd had a previous interest but maybe didn't buy because the baby started crying/the cake was ready to come out of the oven/they'd had too many gins to locate their card! 😂

But... I will say - the overwhelming majority of sales came from that COLD AUDIENCE - those people who had NO FUCKING IDEA who I was or what I was about.

Your low-cost offer needs to be GOOD, I mean REALLY FUCKING GOOD - you can't just say because it's "only $27" that you can serve up a pile of shite - you need to put real effort into it and your buyers need to think "wow - I got a GREAT deal there!" - and your SALES PAGE needs to be SHIT HOT!

And that's when you make it easy for this COLD AUDIENCE to see what you're about and what you're selling - i.e., WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM!

By running an offer like this to a cold audience, no two ways about it - it's going to cost you in ad spend - and you're going to have to hold your nerve when you've spent $20 on ads and no sales... then suddenly you've spent $22 and have 3 sales! It does sometimes feel like a game of nerves - but hell, aren't we all here for the thrills? 

To get help with your SALES PAGE - just holler and I'm your gal! 


ROCK-SOLID SALES MACHINE and Put on Your Big Girl Pants!

If your niche and marketing message  aren't super-clear and hitting that sweet spot, then you'll be hearing crickets - not cash-registers

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About Alex Sheach

Alex is an expert strategist with a flair for expressive writing which connects with her audience and evokes emotion.

She believes in the power of harnessing the written word and using it to demonstrate expertise, confidence and clarity when marketing online businesses.

She's anti-BS, anti-fluff and embraces grown-assed methodology for growing an online business with authentic Sales & Marketing strategies.

Nae drama!