You Have to Send Another Fucking Newsletter!

By Alex

November 29, 2021

You've mastered the software, you've mastered your course structure, you've mastered your graphic design, your copy, your time schedule, your mindset, your coffee habit... mmmK, maybe not that last one! 😁☕️

And now you're waiting for the sales to roll in...

You've sent a sales email.

Your'e still waiting - because you know damned well there are people on your list who NEED your course and would benefit so much from taking it.

But still you wait.

And then it dawns on you... you need to send "another fucking newsletter"- because as I write this, it's Cyber Monday and I have received soooooo many emails since approximately Wednesday last week that I can't even focus on my inbox.

Like most people, I'm just going to do a Ctrl-A and delete. 

It's not personal - we all do that when the emails get out of hand - unless the subject line is 100% brilliant, the mouse slips and we accidentally click on it - or it's someone we really really REALLY want to hear from - then we're just gonna delete.

You can't rely on your customers having read your one, solitary email. Or even the two.

People are. busy, they're discerning with their time and life is too short to be ruled by your inbox. 

Going through my inbox one-by-one is something I do when I'm on a major procrastination drive - it's NOT a healthy or productive use of my time that's for sure.

So you're going to have to send ANOTHER SALES EMAIL.


You're going to have to send SO MANY SALES EMAILS you're absolutely fucking sick of seeing them yourself... and you'll be questioning why your customers are still sticking around when you've sent ten already.

But the thing is - they've probably not seen all 10, definitely not OPENED all 10.

They're busy. The cat puked on the carpet. The dog got a long-overdue walk. The car had to go to the garage. The latest Netflix binge was tooooooo good to pass up.

You need to understand that whilst it feels like you've sent 100 emails and that there can't possibly be anything left to say - your audience probably didn't see them.

And you need to send another one!

You'll know when you've sent enough - because you'll personally be sick to the back teeth - and perhaps even feel a twinge of embarrassment - when yet another lands in your inbox. 

If you cringe when you hit the send button... that's about the right number. 😁 Whilst it's our job to sell - and we can't make excuses NOT to sell - it's also 100% human to feel a bit weird about continually asking for the sale - because if we were to walk in to a bricks & mortar shop and we were asked more than once or twice if we needed help/needed to be shown something we'd probably make a move to the exit - well, I certainly would - I hate being hassled in shops!

But selling online isn't like bricks & mortar - you DO have to fight and jostle a little to get your customer's attention. You do need to realise that they're mostly just doing a drive-by of the great online mall of America and didn't even see your front door - never mind push it open and have a good look inside.

And if they unsubscribe? They were never going to buy from you anyway - the people who like your message and like what you're selling in general will stick around - even if the current program isn't the right fit for them right here, right now.

Send another fucking newsletter! 🥃

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About Alex Sheach

Alex is an expert strategist with a flair for expressive writing which connects with her audience and evokes emotion.

She believes in the power of harnessing the written word and using it to demonstrate expertise, confidence and clarity when marketing online businesses.

She's anti-BS, anti-fluff and embraces grown-assed methodology for growing an online business with authentic Sales & Marketing strategies.

Nae drama!