OK, so you know what you're going to teach on your 5 DAY CHALLENGE - you're confident that you can deliver a SOLID TRANSFORMATION and solve ONE part of the puzzle in that 5 days.
But what next?
Well, you don't want to make the fuck up I made first time I ran a challenge... oh yeh, I delivered - but hadn't figured out what I was going to UPSELL at the end... kinda hoped people would stick around and then I'd have a dash of inspiration and they'd all clamour to buy.
Reader? They didn't.
So I learned the hard way that no matter what it is you're delivering during your challenge - there needs to be a part of the puzzle left out - that you're ready to fill with your UPSELL.
For example - if you're a fitness coach and you've helped people ditch the sugar for 5 days - then perhaps your upsell is going to incorporate "clean eating" and exercise as part of an ongoing program including accountability.
Because what you've given them for free during the challenge is just the first part of where they need to be. Because cutting sugar alone won't give you solid abs or clear skin!
You might be a Social Media maven who can teach someone how to get 5000 followers on Tik-Tok in one week... BUT... unless they can actually sell to these followers - you've only given them part of the solution. Followers who don't take action are just "Vanity Metrics".
So your job is to create a challenge which does TRULY DELIVER something they want... but of course it's not the entire solution. It can't be. Realistically, life doesn't do a total 180 in 5 days and your clients are going to need further support to get to where they're going.
You're not going to be able to solve EVERYTHING in 5 days. But you can sure as shit guide your clients through 5 baby steps over the 5 days giving them a clear OUTCOME.
However, by Day 3 it may become apparent to those DOING THE WORK (!) that there is more to come. By Day 4, people should DEFINITELY have figured it out!
And that's why you can with clear conscience UPSELL on (or after) Day 5 knowing that you've got a PAID SOLUTION to help your clients with further transformations and bring them closer to where they WANT to be.
Whether your clients choose to pay to work with you again after the challenge - your job is to leave them SATISFIED and HAPPY with what they've learned during the CHALLENGE with you.
fill your course!
The SECRET SAUCE to running a FIVE DAY CHALLENGE primed for SALES - even if you've got a TINY LIST!